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Robotics Surgery

Robotic surgery is a groundbreaking advancement in the field of medicine, offering unprecedented precision, control, and flexibility in surgical procedures. The cutting-edge technology of robotics surgery allows the surgeons to control robotic arms through a console, offering unmatched precision for delicate procedures through small incisions. These systems consist of a console, where the surgeon controls the instruments, and a patient-side cart with four interactive robotic arms equipped with surgical instruments and a high-definition 3D camera.

At Park Group of Hospitals, we offer the minimally-invasive advanced procedure for a wide variety of gastrointestinal procedures, gallbladder removal, bariatric surgery, gynecology surgeries, surgical oncology procedures and thoracic sciences procedures.

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Comprehensive Post-operative Care for Best Outcomes

Comprehensive Post-operative Care for Best Outcomes

At Park Hospital, exceptional post-operative care is a cornerstone of our commitment to patient well-being, particularly following robotic surgery. Our team of experts, renowned for their dedication and skill, extends their mastery to post-operative care. Imagine 24/7 support from experienced nurses alongside a state-of-the-art facility.

Following your minimally invasive robotic procedure, Park Hospital's focus shifts to optimal recovery. Our intensive care unit, equipped with the latest technology, provides meticulous monitoring and pain management.

Park Hospital goes beyond surgery. We orchestrate a seamless transition, from the precision of robotic technology to a recovery environment designed for comfort and expedited healing.


The dedication to maximize the patient satisfaction and ensure the best treatments is reflected in our exceptional long-term outcomes of the bariatric surgery procedures.

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