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Tummy Troubles: Decoding Common Childhood Digestive Issues


Author: Admin

Date: 12 July 2024


Stomach pain is a common complaint of children, with almost every child experiencing it at least once in their lives. These can prove to be potential causes of worry and concern for parents and caregivers due to the discomfort of the children. While some kinds of stomach pain can be severe and need proper medical attention, some can be treated at home with a little understanding and knowledge of the digestive issues.


Digestive issues are a prevalent and often challenging aspect of childhood, impacting both the child's comfort and the parents' peace of mind. These problems range from mild discomforts to serious conditions that require medical intervention. People, especially parents, need to have a basic understanding of the common digestive issues to ensure early identification, effective management, and ensuring overall well-being of the child. Park Hospital, as the renowned Paediatric Hospital in Palam Vihar, guides the parents in management, provides quality treatments, and ensures comprehensive care for improved child health.

Common Childhood Digestive Issues

Children experience a variety of digestive issues, which can cause significant levels of pain and discomfort. The parents or caregivers need to understand the common digestive issues for proper management and enhance the outcomes of the problem. Some common types of childhood digestive issues are as follows:


This is one of the earliest challenges that parents encounter is colic, which is often caused by digestive system immaturity, food sensitivities, or gas. It is common in infants and is characterized by excessive crying, fussiness, or pulling legs toward the abdomen in infants.

Management: The issues can be effectively managed by various soothing techniques such as swaddling, gentle rocking, or making feeding adjustments. In complex cases, parents might need to consult a specialist at a Child Hospital in Delhi.


This is a common problem in children which is caused by lack of fiber in the diet, dehydration, or withholding bowel movements and can result in irregular bowel movements in children. The common symptoms of the problem include hard, lumpy stools, straining during bowel movements, and infrequent bowel movements (less than three times a week) in children.


Home Remedies: Constipation is a common problem that, in most cases, can be managed by home remedies such as increasing fluid intake, encouraging a high-fiber diet including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and establishing a regular bathroom routine to maintain regular bowel movements. In cases of persistent constipation, you might need to consult with a pediatrician.


According to the Best Pediatrics in Delhi, diarrhea is a common condition that can affect people of all ages but is common in children. It is a condition that is characterized by an increase in the looseness, frequency, or watery consistency of stools along with abdominal pain, which is often caused by different kinds of infections such as viral, bacterial, or parasitic, certain food intolerance, medications, dietary changes or in case of illnesses.


Home Remedies: The parents need to provide plenty of fluids to the children to prevent dehydration, such as oral rehydration solutions, clear broths, or breast milk for infants. The parents should give bland diets to the children, such as bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, and avoid sugar intake and milk products. If the condition is persistent or severe, consult a specialist at a Child Hospital in Delhi.

Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)

This is a common problem in infants and young children in which the acid of the stomach flows back up into the esophagus, causing significant levels of discomfort and heartburn. It can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as overeating, lying down immediately after eating, or weak lower esophageal sphincter, and can result in symptoms like frequent vomiting, coughing, refusal to eat, irritability after feeding, and poor weight gain.


Home Remedies: Parents or caregivers should feed the child frequently with smaller meals and avoid the intake of trigger foods such as spicy or acidic foods. The parents are also advised to keep the child upright after feeding to elevate the symptoms, and in severe cases, consult the Best Pediatrics in Delhi for proper management.

Food Allergies or intolerance

Food allergy and food intolerance are two different conditions where food allergy is an immune system response to a specific food. In contrast, food intolerance is a digestive reaction that causes discomfort but doesn't involve the immune system. Reactions to particular foods cause these and cause symptoms like vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, hives, wheezing, swelling, or skin rash.


Proper Management: Parents or caregivers need to be active and keep track of their child�s food allergies or intolerance. They should also keep track of the symptoms and avoid allergic foods to maintain good health. You can consult an allergist for proper testing and guidance and a pediatrician for personalized guidance.

When to Seek Medical Help

The parents or caregivers need to take a variety of measures and take exceptional care of their children for the maintenance of overall health and wellbeing. The parents should maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and adequate hydration in children. The parents also need to ensure that their children engage in regular physical activity like playing, swimming and others and follow proper hygiene practices to prevent any kind of infections or diseases.


The parents should consult a specialist at the best Paediatric hospital in Palam Vihar, Park Hospital, in cases of the following symptoms:

1. Persistent or severe symptoms

2. Signs of dehydration (dry mouth, no tears when crying, sunken eyes, decreased urination)

3. Blood in stool or vomit

4. Weight loss or failure to thrive

5. Symptoms not improving with home management

Park Hospital: Pediatric Hospital With Advanced Care

Digestive issues are common concerns in children, having significant impacts on health and the overall quality of life. The parents need to have a basic understanding of digestive issues to ensure early identification, provide appropriate care for proper management, and seek medical attention if necessary. Park Hospital, the Best Pediatrics in Delhi, has a dedicated team of expert pediatricians who provide quality care and advanced treatments for the management of a variety of medical conditions in children. 

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