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Festival of Colors and Your Skin Care


Author: Admin

Date: 17 March 2022

Holi is one of the major festivals of our country with a pan-India presence. It marks the end of spring with a riotous celebration which brings unbridled joy to every heart, but can be averse to the health of one’s skin as many people with sensitive skin and allergies will tell you the day after.

We all know that it is quite hard to remain unscathed by the ‘festival of colours’ even when you try to avoid it. After all it’s bura na mano holi hai.

A beautiful celebratory festival such as Holi should not be avoided but embraced and for that we need to be aware of harmful effects the colours can have on your skin and counter them. In recent years people have become aware about the hazards of chemical-based colours on skin; and government regulation have helped to curb the use of toxic materials in the Holi colours. But, in a country as big and varied as ours, it is impossible to eliminate their production completely or educate all the people about natural colours. That is why; when you go out with your friends this Holi; you must pay attention to that old adage- Prevention is better than cure.

Here is what you can do to come out of the other side of the Holi celebrations with glowing skin:-

  • Go Organic

Buy and promote organic or natural colours. Our country has age old traditions of producing colours with natural materials and we must strive to bring them back. Not only would these organic colours not harm your skin; but they will also provide an alternative to reduce the use of harmful chemical and materials and hazards associated with producing synthetic colours in a factory. Colours produced from natural materials like flowers and herbs protect your skin as well as the environment.

  • Expose as little as possible

Wear Clothes such that maximum part of your body is covered. Wearing a hat, scarf or dupatta not only to add your style quotient but also protects your hair.

  •  Oil Your Skin and Hair

Another thing which prevents the colours from penetrating deep in skin are oils. Oiling your hair and body before playing Holi will protect your skin and scalp from harm and will make it easier to remove the colour afterwards. Oils like Olive Oil & Coconut Oil can be used for this purpose.

  • Mind the sun

Holi marks the beginning of fiery Indian summers. The mercury would have already start to climb as the festival draws closer. Do not forget your sunscreens (with 30+ SPF) and SPF containing lip balms as a normal Holi celebration involves a few good hours in the hot sun.

Exposure to harsh sunlight is never good news for skin or your eyes. Wear a sunglass to protect them from glare as well as colours. And, don’t forget to stay hydrated!

  • Post-Holi Skincare

Prevention measures are well and good but removing the colour will still prove arduous whatever steps one might have taken. The right kind of face washes or cleansing cream must be used to wash off the colours and protect the moisture and integrity of the skin.

Use a foaming facewash. Using harsh facewashes or cleansing cream will harm your skin rather than do any good. Last but not the least moisturizer not once but 3-4 times a day as your skin can feel day & irritated post Holi.

If you have chronic skin issues and allergies it is advisable to not over indulge in the celebrations. One might never know what kind of materials or colours their skin might come in contact with. If you get any problems like rashes, allergies, acne outbreaks etc. due to Holi colours please visit your nearest Park Hospital immediately. Trying to treat them with home remedies might damage your skin further so it is better to consult experienced dermatologists at Park hospital.

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