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Backbone Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options


Date: 07 August 2023

Backbone Cancer: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

Backbone cancer or cancerous vertebral tumors refers to a type of spinal tumor that is found in the vertebrae or the backbone. The backbone consists of stacked-up vertebrae that run along from the base of the head to the lower back. The vertebrae surround and protect the spinal cord and give support to the whole frame of the human body. While we are born with 33 vertebrae, in the course of normal growth and development, lower vertebrae tend to fuse together forming 24 vertebrae in total. 

Since vertebrae run along the whole body, it is referred to by different names based on their location in the body. This includes the cervical spine C1 - C7, thoracic spine T1 - T12, lumbar spine L1 - L5, sacral spine (five, fused), and the tailbone (four, fused). The numbers refer to the vertebrae in the spine. This is used to explain the exact location of the backbone cancer.

Tumors in the vertebrae, cancerous or not, almost always pose a danger, growing within the bone and causing spinal instability and even leading to permanent disability. These tumors most often are spread from another part of the body to the vertebrae. Common cancers that metastasize to the vertebrae are lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, or thyroid cancer.

In most cases, the primary cancer is diagnosed before it metastasizes to the vertebrae. It is when cancer patients complain of back pain and other symptoms during the course of their cancer care services that doctors look for spinal tumors and backbone cancer. Cancer treatments for backbone cancer include other common cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunology.

Classification of backbone cancer

Backbone cancer can be classified according to its location, and its place of origin. The location would refer to the region of the spine - cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum. The other classification is based on the origin of the tumor. While most spinal tumors are a result of other cancers spreading to the spinal region (secondary cancer), there are a few tumors that originate in the spinal region itself and are called primary cancers. But a primary backbone cancer would be extremely rare, lesser than 0.5% of spinal tumors will be a primary backbone cancer. Plasmacytoma is a primary tumor in the vertebrae. Osteoblastoma, osteomas, and hemangiomas are some cancers that originate within the vertebral bones. 

Cancer care services and cancer treatment may vary for primary and secondary cancers. Some of the best cancer care services and cancer treatment can help manage backbone cancer.

Symptoms of backbone cancer

The interesting thing to note is that these symptoms are characteristic of tumors that may not be cancerous that are growing within the bones of the vertebrae. As we mentioned before, tumor growth itself poses complications in the vertebrae, whether cancerous or not. Some common symptoms may include:

Back pain: While someone who has never been diagnosed with cancer need not necessarily worry about their back pain being caused by cancer, those previously diagnosed with cancer that experiences back pain later, must intimate their doctors in charge of cancer care services or their cancer treatment. Back pain due to the presence of a tumor in the vertebrae causes pain that can radiate all over the body and gets worse at night. The back pain is unlike normal back pain and feels like it reverberates deep in the spine.

Mobility and sensation: People with a growing tumor in the backbone may experience loss of sensation or muscle weakness in the arms or legs. This could even be in the form of a tingling or numb sensation. This may be caused due to the pressure that the tumor is putting on the spinal cord as it grows within the vertebrae. In some cases, people may also have mild to severe forms of paralysis in different parts of the body. In some cases, the person has difficulty walking, leading to frequent falls.

Bowel and/ or bladder function: If the tumor is located closer to the prostate region, the person may experience loss of bowel or bladder control. Incontinence is a common symptom of a tumor in the lower back region. 

Causes of backbone cancer

Primary cancers in the vertebrae are extremely uncommon and the exact cause may be a little unclear. Some evidence points towards a genetic component, while others may suggest exposure to some harmful chemicals that can cause spinal cancer. In the case of secondary cancers in the vertebrae, it could be caused by the spread of growing cancer located near the backbone, or cancer cells from the main tumor may break away and enter the lymphatic system affecting other parts of the body. What makes the spine particularly vulnerable is the high-level blood supply that it requires for its functioning thus carrying cancer cells in the bloodstream.

Risks of backbone cancer and when to see a doctor

Having understood the symptoms and possible causes of backbone cancer, let us lay out for you specific scenarios where you must visit a cancer hospital for a consultation.

If you find that you have back pain that is persistent and not related to any injury or traumatic event that could be a plausible explanation for the pain.

If you have ever been diagnosed with cancer in the past and now experience back pain.

You are experiencing other common symptoms of cancer like nausea, vomiting, or dizziness.

You are also experiencing incontinence or loss of sensation or muscle weakness.

India has some of the best cancer care services and cancer treatment that a person can avail so do not panic. If you are someone you know, needs a consultation for a cancer diagnosis or treatment, you can visit The Park Group of Hospitals, the best cancer hospital in Gurugram. 

Diagnosis of backbone cancer

These are some reliable diagnostic procedures that you can expect at a cancer hospital.

MRI of the spine: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the spine is a preferred imaging diagnostic tool that uses powerful magnetic and radio waves to create an accurate image of the spine. 

CT Scan of the spine: In conjunction with an MRI, a Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan may be used that creates an image with the help of a narrow beam of radiation. A contrast dye may be injected to help create clearer images of the possible tumor.

Biopsy: If any growth or tumor is found from the imaging tests, it is very likely that the doctor may want to extract a sample specimen to study under a microscope to ascertain if it is benign or cancerous. The biopsy is the only way to do this and is a critical procedure in the cancer treatment process.

Cancer Treatments for backbone cancer

These are some cancer treatments and cancer care services that may be followed to treat and manage backbone cancer.

Surgery: In the case of cancer that has metastasized to the backbone, the doctor will first want to explore the possibility of fully removing the tumor. This is certainly not straightforward, given the location of the cancer and the nature of the backbone itself. However, with several advancements in surgical tools and technologies, doctors are able to explore surgical removal of tumors in the backbone more than before. 

The best cancer hospital in Gurugram will provide you with the best oncologists and surgeons to be able to execute complicated procedures such as this.

Monitoring: In the case of tumors that may have been found at a very early stage, before it has even caused any kind of symptom, the doctor may choose to first monitor its progress before drawing out a specific cancer treatment plan.

Radiation therapy: Radiotherapy is perhaps the most common cancer treatment in the case of backbone cancer. High doses of X-rays are used to destroy the tumor or shrink the tumor. In cases of a benign tumor as well, shrinking the tumor alone could make the symptoms go away. Radiotherapy is used when surgery may be too risky to explore.

Stereotactic radiosurgery: This is a non-invasive procedure that allows the doctor to use very precise and narrow beams of radiation that can shrink the tumor while being very careful with the surrounding tissue.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is used to kill cancer cells throughout the body. This may be used as a treatment along with or before surgery. Chemotherapy comes with side effects like nausea and loss of energy. 

For the best cancer care services and treatments, make a consultation with highly reputed cancer hospitals. The best cancer hospital in Gurugram is the Park Group of Hospitals which has a superspecialized team of oncologists that have decades of cumulative experience in cancer care services and cancer treatment.


Backbone cancer or vertebral cancer refers to a type of spinal tumor that is found in the vertebrae or the backbone. Tumors in the vertebrae, almost always pose a danger, growing within the bone and causing spinal instability and even leading to permanent disability. These tumors most often spread from another part of the body to the vertebrae. The most common symptom is severe and progressing back pain. Symptoms may also include incontinence, loss of sensation, and muscle weakness. The best cancer care services and treatments can treat and manage backbone cancer to remove cancer and/ or alleviate symptoms.


Is backbone cancer painful?

Backbone cancer can progress to be quite painful. In fact, a lot of doctors aim to alleviate pain symptoms through cancer care services and cancer treatment. Back pain is most commonly the first symptom of backbone cancer.

Is backbone cancer curable?

While the prognosis of backbone cancer needs to be assessed on a case-to-case basis, backbone cancer is usually hard to treat. Backbone cancer is also usually a secondary cancer caused by another main cancer that has now spread to other parts of the body.

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