
Dr.Ravindra Kumar





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MBBS, MD (Radio-Daignosis)

Past Experience

    1. Shalby Hospital as a Consultant
    2. JNU Hospital as a Associate Prof.
    3. Neo Clinic as a Sr. Consultant Radiologist

Areas of Expertise

1. Imaging guided non vascular intervention
2. MRI
3. CT Scan
4. Cvolor Doppler and Ultrasonography
5. Mammography
6. Conventional Radiology
7. Post graduation and Undergraduate medical teaching

Awards & Publications

1. Morphometric analysis of the patella bone as assessed by magnetic Resonance imagingin North Indian population in international Journal of medical science and education
2. Age determination by radiological epiphyseal fusion of elbow and wrist in adolescent population of malwa region of Madhya Pradesh in North Indian population in international journal of medical science and education
3. MRI findings in Hiramaya disease in International Organization of Scientific research
4. Diagnostic role of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in intracrainal space occupying lesion, Euroean society of Radiology

Cases Managed

1. Imaging guided non vascular intervention
2. MRI
3. CT Scan
4. Cvolor Doppler and Ultrasonography
5. Mammography
6. Conventional Radiology
7. Post graduation and Undergraduate medical teaching


Library of Learnings

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