The Signature Gurugram
The Signature Gurugram

Dr. Supriya Mathur





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MBBS, MD (Psychiatry), Certified in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Certified in Sexual Medicine

Past Experience

    JNU Hospital as a SR then Assist. Prof.

Areas of Expertise

1. Depression, Anxiety & OCD

2. Schizophrenia, Bipolar & Psychotic disorders

3. Sexual disorders

4. Alcohol, Drug & Behavioral addiction 

5. childhood disorder/ADHD/autism

6. women's mental health

Awards & Publications

1. Mathur S, Chandran S, Kishor M, Prakrithi S N, Rao T S. A comparative study of caregiver burden and self-efficacy in chronic psychiatric illness and chronic medical illness: A pilot study. Arch Ment Health 2018;19:115-22, 12.Book chapter in Perspectives in Psychiatry Training ;what every postgraduate should know,
2. Chandran S, Kishor M, Maheshwari S, Mathur S, Sathyanarayana Rao T S. Nonresponsive responder! -Somatic symptoms presenting as refractory depression with response to electroconvulsive therapy. Ann Indian Psychiatry 2018;2:144-6
3. Sathyanarayana Rao T S, Tandon A, Manohar S, Mathur S. Clinical Practice Guidelines for management of sexual disorders in elderly. Indian J Psychiatry 2018;60, Suppl S3:397-409
4. Chandran S, Prakrithi SN, Mathur S, Kishor M, Rao TS.A review of functional gastrointestinal disorders: A primer for mental health professionals. Arch Ment Health 2018;19:70-81.
5. Chandran S, Prakrithi S N, Mathur S, Manohar Rao, Kishor M :Diabulimia - The phenomenology of an under recognised juxtaposition between diabetes and eating disorders. Telangana J Psychiatry 2018
6. Chandran S, Kishor M, Mathur S, Madhusudhan BN, Kavya N, Rao TSS. Caregiver Burden and self-efficacy: A Hospital-based Comparison between General and Special Ward Patients. J Med Sci Health 2019;5(1):27-35.
7. Suhas Chandran, Supriya Mathur, Kishor Manohar Rao (2019)Media and the role of digital psychiatry in mental health, Digital Psychiatry,2:1,34-44, 001:10.1080/2575517x20 19.1651625
8. Ram D, Mathur S. Quetiapine-induced leukoclastic vasculitis. Indian J Pharmaco 2019;51:282-3
9. Mathur, S. et al. (2019) 'Contemporary Vistas in Geriatric Sexuality', Journal of Psychosexual Health, 1(3-4), pp. 215-221. doi: 10.1177/2631831819862889
10. Nilakantam, S. R.,Manohar, S., Rao, S. S., Dayananda, M., Mathur, S., Gowdappa, H.
B., Mahadevappa , G., Raman, R., & Rao, T. S. S. (2020). Setting Up Psychosexual Medicine Unit: Insights From a Private University-Based Medical College Hospital. Journal of Psychosexual Health, 2(2), 179-185. https : //do i. orq/10.1177/2631831820939464
11. Bairwa K, Gakkhar S, Mathur S Psychological and Emotional Response to Lockdown in children during ongoing pandemic COVID-19 in Urban Areas of Jaipur.Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health; 17 (4):85-99,2021

Cases Managed

1. Depression: Treatment resistant depression
2. Bipolar disorders
3. Dissociative disorder
4. Psychosis-ATPD/Steroid induced psychosis
5. Premenstrual syndrome
6. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
7. Sexual disorder
8. Sleep disorder
9. Child & Adolescent psychiatric disorders
10. Obsessive & Compulsive disorder
11. Mindfulness based therapy+
12. Biofeedback therapy


Library of Learnings

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