Dedicated to Heal

to Heal


Dr. Supriya Mathur





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MBBS, MD (Psychiatry)

Past Experience

    JNU Hospital as a SR then Assist. Prof.

Areas of Expertise

1. Child, adult and geriatric Psychiatric disorder
2. Women's mental health
3. Sexual disorders
4. Headaches
5. Psychotherapies, Mindfulness based cognitive therapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy

Awards & Publications

1. Mathur S, Chandran S, Kishor M, Prakrithi S N, Rao T S. A comparative study of caregiver burden and self-efficacy in chronic psychiatric illness and chronic medical illness: A pilot study. Arch Ment Health 2018;19:115-22, 12.Book chapter in Perspectives in Psychiatry Training ;what every postgraduate should know,
2. Chandran S, Kishor M, Maheshwari S, Mathur S, Sathyanarayana Rao T S. Nonresponsive responder! -Somatic symptoms presenting as refractory depression with response to electroconvulsive therapy. Ann Indian Psychiatry 2018;2:144-6
3. Sathyanarayana Rao T S, Tandon A, Manohar S, Mathur S. Clinical Practice Guidelines for management of sexual disorders in elderly. Indian J Psychiatry 2018;60, Suppl S3:397-409
4. Chandran S, Prakrithi SN, Mathur S, Kishor M, Rao TS.A review of functional gastrointestinal disorders: A primer for mental health professionals. Arch Ment Health 2018;19:70-81.
5. Chandran S, Prakrithi S N, Mathur S, Manohar Rao, Kishor M :Diabulimia - The phenomenology of an under recognised juxtaposition between diabetes and eating disorders. Telangana J Psychiatry 2018
6. Chandran S, Kishor M, Mathur S, Madhusudhan BN, Kavya N, Rao TSS. Caregiver Burden and self-efficacy: A Hospital-based Comparison between General and Special Ward Patients. J Med Sci Health 2019;5(1):27-35.
7. Suhas Chandran, Supriya Mathur, Kishor Manohar Rao (2019)Media and the role of digital psychiatry in mental health, Digital Psychiatry,2:1,34-44, 001:10.1080/2575517x20 19.1651625
8. Ram D, Mathur S. Quetiapine-induced leukoclastic vasculitis. Indian J Pharmaco 2019;51:282-3
9. Mathur, S. et al. (2019) 'Contemporary Vistas in Geriatric Sexuality', Journal of Psychosexual Health, 1(3-4), pp. 215-221. doi: 10.1177/2631831819862889
10. Nilakantam, S. R.,Manohar, S., Rao, S. S., Dayananda, M., Mathur, S., Gowdappa, H.
B., Mahadevappa , G., Raman, R., & Rao, T. S. S. (2020). Setting Up Psychosexual Medicine Unit: Insights From a Private University-Based Medical College Hospital. Journal of Psychosexual Health, 2(2), 179-185. https : //do i. orq/10.1177/2631831820939464
11. Bairwa K, Gakkhar S, Mathur S Psychological and Emotional Response to Lockdown in children during ongoing pandemic COVID-19 in Urban Areas of Jaipur.Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health; 17 (4):85-99,2021

Cases Managed

1. Depression: Treatment resistant depression
2. Bipolar disorders
3. Dissociative disorder
4. Psychosis-ATPD/Steroid induced psychosis
5. Premenstrual syndrome
6. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
7. Sexual disorder
8. Sleep disorder
9. Child & Adolescent psychiatric disorders
10. Obsessive & Compulsive disorder
11. Mindfulness based therapy+
12. Biofeedback therapy


Library of Learnings

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