Palam Vihar
Palam Vihar

Dr. Sahil Mattoo


Internal Medicine



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MBBS, MD (Medicine)

Past Experience

    1. As Senior Resident at Northern Railway Center Hospital
    2. As Senior Resident at Maulana Azad Medical Collage, New Delhi
    3. As Senior Resident, Endocrinology at RML Hospital, New Delhi

Areas of Expertise

1. Diabetes, Hypertension
2. Metabolic Disorders
3. Obesity
4. Growth Failure
5. Thyroid Disorders, PCOS
6. Dyslipedemia, Osteoporosis
7. Infectious Diseases, COPD
8. Asthma etc.

Awards & Publications

1. Involved in academic teaching of many undergraduate and post graduate students in MAMC and LOK NAYAK HOSPITAL. Endocrinology training at Department of Endocrinology at DR RML Hospital & ABVIMS, Delhi. Several publications in many peer reviewed national and international journals.
2. CUSHING’S Syndrome due to PPNAD in two male siblings with Carney’s Complex. Paediatric Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism. 2020
3. Unusual and rare cause of PUJ obstruction a paraganglioma. Journal of Clinical Urology. Oct 2020.
4. Comparision of SOFA, APACHE II and newly proposed SAPCIS scoring system for predicting the severity and prognosis of ICU patients with Sepsis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2017
5. Markers of oxidative stress and clinical outcome in critically ill septic patients. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. August 2016
6. Second prize in oral poster presentation in SPEEDCON 2019 : A CASE OF PPNAD IN TWO YOUNG MALE SIBLINGS.
7. Award on oral presentation on world diabetes day 2019 at Dr. RML Hospital and ABVIMS, Delhi.

Cases Managed

1. Infectious Diseases
2. Severe Sepsis
3. Complicated Covid Cases
4. Accelerated Hypertension
5. Diabetes
6. Metabolic and Endocrine Cases
7. Dyslipidemia
9. Bone and Mineral Disorders
10. Pubertal and Growth Disorders.
11. Chronic Diseases Like COPD
12. CLD with Acute Presentations.


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